Since they appeared a decade and a half ago SARMs revolutionized the world of bodybuilding and performance enhancement and quickly became the go-to anabolic agents with all athletes and bodybuilders who didn’t like injections or looked for a safer way to change their physique.

At that time, being new and being oral-only, SARMs indeed appeared as a safer alternative to steroids, but after all these years of new research and trial and error by athletes worldwide, we’ve learned that SARMs aren’t as harmless as once thought or as many nowadays still believe.

First, other than that they affect your musculature and can lead to increased muscle mass and changed physique like anabolic steroids do, SARMs and steroids have a completely different pathway of action. While steroids work on a much broader scope, affecting and altering multiple hormonal parameters throughout your body, SARMs zero in on your androgen receptors. In that respect, SARMs have a much safer or lesser impact on your hormones.

Now, while steroids require a much serious understanding of how they work and how to properly and safely use them to get to your desired physique, they have been around for half a century and their benefits, dangers and side effects are all completely known and as such the knowledge to counteract the negatives is bountiful. The only way to mess up with anabolic steroids is if you’re ignorant, ill-informed and uneducated.

SARMs, being new, are anabolic agents that are labeled “still under research” and as such their side-effects, especially with the newer types of SARMs are still not completely known. This however doesn’t stop hundreds of thousands of fitness enthusiasts around the world to keep successfully using them without reporting any serious side effects.

So when people ask what’s safer – steroids or SARMs, my answer is BOTH, if you know how to properly use them. Both of these are exogenous and synthetic agents that you introduce to your body expecting for them to initiate a change to your system from within, and that’s not something that you should take lightly. Everything in our system is interconnected, so if you want to play with it to become  muscular and get to your desired physique, you need to learn how to do it right, and you need to understand that you also accept certain risks that using these anabolic agents brings.

Pursuing a muscular physique is putting vanity over your health, there really isn’t any other way to put it. The majority of us do it. Looking way above average and extraordinary isn’t something that is normal to our bodies. It takes a toll. But we do it anyway because that’s what we want and what makes us feel good, content and fulfilled emotionally, and we live in an ego-emotion-driven world.