Fortetropin® is one of the most significant scientific breakthroughs in the area of sports supplementation, muscle building and recovery, in recent years.

Fortetropin® is a proprietary ingredient developed by MYOS Corp, and represents a bioactive proteo-lipid complex extracted from the yolk of the fertilized egg. It’s the world’s first natural-based ingredient able of reducing myostatin levels in the body, thus allowing more sustainable muscle growth. Myostatin is a type of chemical found in our bodies in charge of inhibiting and hindering muscle growth by breaking down protein and preventing normal protein synthesis – which is of essence for growing muscle.

In a clinical study published in the prestigious Journal of the American College of Nutrition, serum myostatin levels were reduced by Fortetropin, which lead to an increase in muscle mass.

The overwhelmingly positive effects of Fortetropin® on muscle building were tested and proven by multiple studies on both animals and humans.

The most significant study of these was the double-blind, placebo controlled study conducted on 18-21 year old gym-goers, an incredibly significant age group when it comes to bodybuilding. The main aim of the study was first to determine the exact mechanism of action that Fortetropin® uses, and second to evaluate the full effect on skeletal muscle increase in humans who work out.

Before supplementing the subjects, the researchers measured the existing serum myostatin levels in each individual, measured their level of strength, body composition, muscle thickness and power. They were divided into three groups. The first group was supplemented with 6.6g of Fortetropin, the second group with 19.8g, and the third group got the placebo.

The study was conducted over a period of 12 weeks, with two days of each week dedicated to working out. One of those days consisted of exercises that had focus on muscle-hypertrophy (muscle growth), and the other of exercises that focused on strength-development. Every participant in each of these three groups performed the same exercises, and all of them were prohibited from consuming eggs during that period. The level of strength in participants was tested via one-rep-max testing during leg and bench press exercises. Afterwards the subjects were given to complete two sets of weight-free exercises. Following those, subjects were instructed to repeat their one-rep-max weight with five attempts. Their anaerobic power or strength was measured using the Monark Wingate cycle test.

At the end, the researchers found that both groups given Fortetropin had increased their muscle thickness and overall lean body mass, while serum myostatin levels were significantly lowered compared to the control group. Also, there wasn’t any notable difference in the results between 6.6g and 19.8g groups. 

What we gather from this research is that Fortetropin is one the strongest natural muscle-building supplements out there. I would put it shoulder to shoulder with Lecithin in their effectiveness when it comes to building lean muscle. It’s safe, with no adverse side effects ever recorded.