As you already know, RAD140 is a SARM (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator), and one of the stronger ones, and as such differs in its pathway of action when compared to regular exogenous Testosterone which is a synthetic hormone.

While very effective in increasing one’s muscle mass without affecting much of the hormonal balance in the body, RAD140 can negatively affect your natural testosterone production by suppressing it, which means that even though considered “safer” because it’s a SARM, RAD140 isn’t completely harmless and will require a PCT protocol in order to recover your natural T levels.

If you want to use RAD140 and want to minimize its negative effects on your natural testosterone levels, using HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) while on a stronger SARM-only cycle is strongly recommended, because HCG will keep stimulating your LH, FSH and thus your testicular testosterone production, which will make it far easier to recover after the cycle.

So when asked if RAD140 is actually safer than testosterone, I’d say it’s a tie. None is safer than the other, and both require caution when used and on-cycle protection and PCT protocol after the cycle.

When compared to RAD140, exogenous or synthetic testosterone that you inject is as close as you can get to your natural testosterone, the hormone that your body is already naturally producing, but with a different type of side-effects to those of RAD140 and the way to manage them.