Testolone (RAD140) was developed by Radius Pharmaceuticals in early 2000s as a potential therapeutic drug to prevent muscle wasting in patients with terminally ill diseases. It’s currently under research as a therapeutic aid for breast cancer patients.

As of 2020 RAD140, at the time of writing this guide, is officially still considered an investigational drug, with first phase clinical human trials conducted in 2017.

Regardless of his in-research status, fitness and bodybuilding enthusiasts around the world are successfully using RAD140 to dense up their muscle mass and cut down on the existing body fat percentage.

RAD140 Benefits

Being one of the more powerful SARMs out there, RAD140 is able to easily increase one’s lean muscle mass (hard muscle), reduce stubborn fat, enhancing vascularity in the process.

Beginners or intermediate lifters will easily get up to 12lbs of high quality muscle mass in a 8-week cycle. Advanced lifters will gain less, but it will be the purest quality muscle, with no bloat whatsoever.

RAD140 is known for its incredibly body recomposition ability, changing your fat to muscle ratio so effectively, especially when you’re consuming calories around your maintenance level. You will be gaining quality muscle while losing fat. You can expect to lose from 3-5% of your most stubborn body fat while on a RAD140 cycle.

But one of the biggest benefits of this SARM are definitely the incredible strength gains, more than with any other SARM, which is why it’s become a favorite among athletes who want to break through strength plateaus fast. Most people have reported gains of 25lbs on average on all of their major compound lifts.

Increased vascularity is a byproduct of RAD140 ability to shift fat to muscle ratio, giving your muscles that all desired pure muscle dry look that every physique athlete is after.

RAD140 Potential Side Effects

Two of the biggest and most pronounced side effects of RAD140 are aggression and natural testosterone suppression.

Aggression, including a sudden outbursts of anger and general irritability are highly likely with this SARM, and the higher the dosage, the more pronounced this negative effect is. I will kind of compare RAD140 to trenbolone here. If you’re having anger issues, you should know that with this compound they will most certainly skyrocket.

RAD140 will cause a natural testosterone suppression, quite a bit more than Ostarine, but definitely less than Ligandrol. If you haven’t used any anabolic compounds before and your natural testosterone levels are pretty high, you will have no problem recovering it – your levels will recover completely in the weeks following the RAD140 cycle. However if you’re natural testosterone levels are quite off due to regular anabolics administration or improper handling of these and similar compounds that can affect your levels, I would suggest the same approach when it comes to recovering your testosterone levels I suggested with Ligandrol. Introduction of HCG from the very beginning of a RAD140 cycle, at 500-1000iu per week, is your best and safest option. You’d be able to minimize and perhaps completely avoid any suppression, avoiding the need for PCT, thus preserving your gains even more.

RAD140 Dosage & Cycle

5-30mg a day is a standard recommended dosage, with 20mg being a sweet spot. 50mg a day will make your muscles look hard as granite with your veins popping everywhere, but that high of an amount is not something I would recommend. Cycle duration should be 8 weeks. Half life of Ligandrol is 12-18 hrs which means that the best approach is splitting your dose in half and taking it twice in 24 hours.

RAD140 Legality

As of 2020, Testolone or RAD140 is absolutely legal everywhere to be purchased and used except Australia where you’re not allowed to use this compound without the doctor’s prescription. However, a lot of Australians use RAD140 without getting into any kind of legal trouble.

When it comes to competitive sports, RAD140 together with other SARMs is listed as a banned substance by almost all anti-doping sports bodies. You should definitely not use it if you are a professional athlete.

Remember, however, that RAD140 is only meant for research purposes and isn’t approved for human consumption.

RAD140 Where To Buy

There are many online companies out there that claim to sell SARMs, but you can’t for sure really know whether what you’re buying from them is the real thing until you’ve seen it work on you and given you results. The only online company that I personally trust in, have tried and been extremely happy with when it comes to results is Chemyo. You can check their RAD140 (Testolone) here: CHEMYO

RAD140 Overview

RAD140 is a strong SARM with some incredibly powerful physique altering abilities. It is used for the purpose of lean hard muscle gains and fat loss. And together with immense strength gains and aggression that come with it, RAD140 can easily be called the trenbolone of SARMs, even though less dramatic. 20mg a day during an 8-week cycle should get you amazing physique altering results. RAD140 suppresses natural testosterone production, and on cycle HCG administration is highly recommended.