S23 is currently the most powerful SARM in existence. It is currently still under development for potential use as a male hormonal contraceptive. Think about it for a second. As it’s still in the preclinical stages of development, it has only been tested on animals.

It has become extremely popular in fitness and bodybuilding community for its strong muscle building and fat torching potential.

S-23 Benefits

S23 has almost incredible muscle building properties. The effectiveness at which S23 promotes muscle growth is even comparable to trenbolone. This compound will also make your strength gains insane, also comparable to the strongest anabolic steroids out there.

Fat loss is yet another extremely prominent benefit of S23 administration, and although not as powerful as Stenabolic (SR9009) and Cardarine, it’s still pretty noticeable.

Mental energy and focus are also through the roof.

When you look at all the user-reported benefits of S23, it is not hard to see that this SARM really does have many things in common with trenbolone, which is why I think it is extremely important to warn any novices out there not to use this SARM. It hits you hard, it is powerful, and you might not be able to take it well.

S-23 Potential Side Effects

This SARM is extremely harsh on your natural testosterone. The level of natural testosterone suppression is extreme, so much so that every lab rat that got treated with this compound ended up infertile, which is why many call S23 a male “birth control pill”.

S23 will speed up your metabolism so much, that you might start loosing weight because you can’t manage to eat as much as this compound requires you too, so have that in mind.

Because of the extreme suppression properties of S23, I would consider it extremely essential that the moment you start your S23 cycle, you also start with the HCG administration of 1000iu per week for the duration of the cycle, and continue with it for two more weeks after the cycle has ended.

S-23 Dosage & Cycle

10mg a day should be a starting point, split into two daily dosages of 5mg, since S23 has a 12 hour half life. You should start with 10mg a day in your first week, bump it to 15mg a day in your second week, and then up to 30mg a day in your third week and keep it like that all the way to the end of the cycle. Cycle duration should be no more than 8 weeks.

S-23 Legality

As of 2020, S23 is absolutely legal everywhere to be purchased and used except Australia.. However, a lot of Australians use S23 without getting into any kind of legal trouble.

When it comes to competitive sports, S23 together with other SARMs is listed as a banned substance by almost all anti-doping sports bodies. You should definitely not use it if you are a professional athlete.

Remember, however, that S23 is only meant for research purposes and isn’t approved for human consumption.

S-23 Where To Buy

There are many online companies out there that claim to sell SARMs, but you can’t for sure really know whether what you’re buying from them is the real thing until you’ve seen it work on you and given you results. The only online company that I personally trust in, have tried and been extremely happy with when it comes to results is Chemyo. You can check their S-23 here: CHEMYO

S-23 Overview

S23 is the most powerful SARM developed to this day. In its muscle building, strength increasing and fat torching properties it is almost comparable to trenbolone. It can back an incredible amount of muscle mass and really change your physique dramatically, but at a cost. It is the most suppressive SARM, and on cycle natural testosterone protection is necessary. It’s not recommended for newbies and users who have never used SARMs or any kind of anabolic compounds before.