People in the armed forces must be mission-ready at all times, especially if deployed on short notice, which requires them to undergo a variety of rigorous physical training exercises that are quite tasking on the body and demanding on the mind.

Soldiers need to do what they got to do to outperform their fellow recruits and stay on top of the game.

Due to these extremely strenuous activities, military personnel has a great need for supplements that will give them a boost whenever needed in whatever way possible, particularly SARMs (selective androgen receptor modulators), for a variety of reasons, including performance enhancement, muscle growth, weight loss, and general health and well-being.


Why do Soldiers Need Supplements and SARMs?

Supplements are being sold in all US military bases across the country. GNC stores are located on almost every U.S. military base.

While it is known that almost 50% of the regular population uses supplements in some shape or form, that number is over 70% when it comes to armed forces.

Sleep deprivation, deployment and warfare threats, environmental stress, continuous activities, and persistent and substantial physical and mental demands are all common issues soldiers have to deal with almost daily.

All of this can have a significant impact on their bodies, resulting in injuries, insomnia, depression, hallucination, the development of phobias, and other issues.

Military personnel must be healthy and fit, according to the strict requirements. Things may get tricky with an erratic food supply and little time to exercise, which is why many military people turn to dietary supplements, including SARMs.

SARMs are potent chemicals with effects comparable to androgenic steroids; however, because of their selective nature of action, they lack the negative side effects associated with steroids.


How Can Soldiers Benefit from SARMs?

Ostarine – MK 2866

This SARM, also known as Ostabolic, is considered the safest and the one that can be effectively used for both muscle building and cutting.

After 8-12 weeks of Ostarine use, there is a considerable improvement in body strength and increased muscle mass. Energy levels and stamina are also improved.

Ostarine helps you to shed body fat and develop muscle mass at the same time, and military people may stay in top form without sacrificing their health and welfare by utilizing this SARM.

Ostarine has also been demonstrated to prevent or reverse the process of muscular atrophy (muscle loss), making it a great supplement for aged military members. Ostarine’s anti-catabolic properties and selective action make it a great supplement when taken alone or in combination with other SARMs.


Ligandrol – LGD 4033

Ligandrol or Anabolicum, also known as LGD-4033, is another well-known SARM that is used to build lean muscle mass. The SARM aids with joint strengthening, which helps to prevent injuries.

Ligandrol, one of the most powerful mass-building SARMs, aids in muscle growth and fat reduction over time. These Ligandrol advantages aid military members in gaining muscle growth, definition, and size while maintaining their stamina.


Stenabolic SR-9009

The SARM, also known as SR-9009, aids in the improvement of endurance and metabolism. It affects the body’s biological clock and boosts skeletal muscle metabolic activity. SR-9009 helps to boost wakefulness while not lowering natural hormone levels, which is extremely beneficial for military people.


Cardarine GW-501516

This cutting cycle drug, also known as Endurobol and GW-501516, is one of the greatest performance-enhancing pharmaceuticals for getting rid of abdominal fat.

Cardarine aids in the improvement of endurance and stamina, as well as the body’s capacity to power through strenuous activities. It’s also high in nitric acid, which helps lower LDL (bad cholesterol) and raise HDL (good cholesterol) levels in the blood.

All of these benefits of Cardarine help soldiers stay in shape by allowing them to get more out of their rigorous workouts.


Is Military Drug Testing for SARMs?

While a standard drug test used by the military will not identify the presence of SARMs in your system, specialized drug tests designed to detect them will do so. To begin, you must understand how long SARMs stay in your body once you have ingested them. They will not be detected by a SARMs drug test once they have left your system.

Except for S23 and S4, all SARMs have a 24-hour half-life, which means that if you don’t take them for 10 days, they will be entirely flushed out of your body, however for S23 and S4 need up to five full days to clear your system.

What this basically means is that the military drug test will only identify most SARMs if you’ve used them often in the previous 10 days. However, if you’ve only taken one dosage of Ligandrol, it won’t be identified because it normally takes 3 days for the levels of SARMs to be high enough to be detected by a military drug test.

Unless one’s usage of SARMs is highly obvious, the military usually wouldn’t test for them. The commanding officer must request that the soldiers be tested for SARMs or steroids in writing to the drug testing agency.

SARMs are currently not considered illegal although the governments around the world have been trying to ban them for quite some time nwo, but that doesn’t mean you won’t face consequences from your commanding officer if he discovers you were using them.

To give you the simplest answer possible, SARMs are prohibited in the military, but no one cares as long as you keep a low profile and stay below the radar.

On their drug screening assessments, none of the military branches test for SARMs specifically. They can’t afford to test for anabolic substances like SARMs since the tests are sare either still being developed or are too expensive for such broad application.


How Can You Hide Your Usage of SARMs?

Now that you know the military doesn’t really test soldiers for SARMs use, we’ll go through how to avoid SARMs testing if one is conducted. If you know you’re going to be tested for SARMs, the best approach to avoid getting detected is to not take them for 10 days. This is all you need to do to avoid failing the SARMs test.

To summarize, SARMs cannot be identified by a standard military drug test and must be detected by a specialised drug test. In addition, the SARM will only be identified on the test if you have taken three or more doses in the previous ten days. You can get caught only if you’re extremely suspicious and not careful about your SARMs usage, and if particular SARMs test is being requested by your commanding officer.

This is, however, extremely uncommon, because such tests are not readily available and they cost a lot. Soldiers based and deployed around the world use SARMs for the various benefits they provide, and they are rarely ever caught. If you stay cautious, you’ll be safe.

Another crucial factor to remember while using SARMs is that you should only buy them from a trustworthy supplier that sells genuine, high-quality items. You can check out this Chemyo SARMs review of a top supplier selling highest-quality third-party-lab-tested SARMs that ships to PO boxes, APOs, and FPOs.


How to Order SARMs in the Military?

Chemyo ships to all of the above, and they make sure that their packages being sent to you are sealed in a proper and discreet way. If you don’t give people the reason to check your package, they won’t do it.

Make sure you use your real name when placing an order. No aliases or anything like that. You don’t want your package lost in the process because you gave them a fake name.

When it comes to address that you need to write, if you’re in the Marines, Navy or Army, you need to give them your unit and box number.

In case you’re located on a ship, you need to write your ship’s name and hull number. You need to give them your PSC and box number if you’re in the Air Force.

If they’re asking for your city, all you have to do is put your APO or FPO.

When asked about your State, you should write AA which stands for Armed Forces America.

And you’re ready to place your first order of SARMs.