If you’re a proud owner of lean or relatively lean physique, you might be inclined to think that your physique is the result of rigorous training and nutrition plans, and while that may definitely play a significant part in you having a lean physique, chances are that you’re blessed with what you have thanks to either superb insulin sensitivity and/or an extremely generous amount of something called brown fat.

This might be the first time you’re hearing of brown fat. Unlike the regular, white fat, which serves as a body calorie storage – it stores surplus calories that we consume, brown fat is a real powerhouse of energy and heat, packed-full of fire-hungry mitochondria that consume excess energy while creating heat.

Now, brown fat is something that everyone has, but people who are naturally lean and tend to stay leaner easily, they have way more.

Precisely because of its potential to burn excess calories as energy, scientists have long been working on discovering compounds and substances that would help increase the brown fat inside of a human body. This is how they stumbled upon an extremely potent white-to-brown fat converting substance that’s been right in front of us all this time.


Cyanadin-3-Glucoside (C3G) also known as chrysanthemin is a member of anthocyanin family of natural pigments found in a variety of dark-colored fruit such as blueberries and acai.

While already known as an anti-obesity compound, all of those anti-fat storage effects have to this point been linked to Cyanadin-3-Glucoside’s insulin and glucose regulation effects, which also give this nutrient its muscle-building label.

Japanese researchers, however, have recently discovered that Cyanadin-3-Glucoside is a white-to-brown fat converter, meaning that it can turn white fat cells into energy-burning brown ones.

Their research paper published in the Journal of Biochemistry, confirmed that C3G induced powerful changes in white adypocites, increasing their mitochondrial population, which is a distinct trait of brown fat cells. Cyanadin-3-Glucoside also initiated the preadypocite differentiation – making the newly formed small white fat cells turn brown.

C3G indeed is incredible on so many levels. With its diverse antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, it can not only regulate insulin aiding in better nutrient utilization, but turn stubborn white fat cells into brown ones that are way easier to get rid of since our body uses them as energy.