It happened to all of us — no matter how much you enjoy training, sometimes you just might not look forward to it.

Maybe you’ve been stuck with the same training program for a while and it’s starting to bore you. Perhaps yesterday’s workout was particularly strenuous, and you’re still sore and don’t feel like you’ve fully recovered.

If you’re serious about your training or if you’re a professional athlete, you’ve certainly been experiencing both of these at the same time.

While there are plenty of other ways to stay motivated, one thing should always come first: healing.

You’re more likely to attack a training session with the tenacity and passion needed to produce results if you’re well-rested.

Being fully recovered, on the other hand, might not always be the case. Sure, your nutrition and sleep need to be on point, but sometimes you need a little extra aid to get back on track.

Myos Rens Technology scientists have looked at this issue and have devised a solution to fill the void.

They’ve released Yolked, the newest generation sports nutrition supplement that promotes muscle growth and speeds up recovery.

Yolked helps you create more muscle and recover faster from workouts by utilizing Fortetropin, a patented substance made from fertilized egg yolk. This allows you to go back to your next workout at full speed.

It’s all-natural and NSF Certified for Sports, and even if exercising isn’t your full-time job, you may benefit from it.

I am about to tell you everything there is to know about this unique supplement, including how effective it may really be in getting you back to the gym the day after a heavy workout.


Fortetropin – the reason you shouldn’t discard that egg yolk!

Over the last 15 years or so, egg yolks have gained sort of a bad reputation. They were pushed aside or completely discarded in favor of their low-calorie, high-protein counterpart, egg whites, as part of the entire “anti-fat” movement that started gaining on popularity back then.

But that was so wrong on so many levels!

Eggs are one of the most nutrient-dense, power-packed foods in the world, according to the USDA.

They’re high in vitamins and minerals, many of which are not so readily available elsewhere. Aside from that, one egg contains roughly 70 calories, 5 grams of fat, and 6 grams of protein.

The important thing to remember is that the actual source of the most of these powerful nutrients is actually egg yolk. Sure, egg whites provide the majority of the protein, but the orange-yellow thing is where the power actually is.

When you eat a whole egg, you not only get a complete amino acid profile from a perfect protein source, but lutein that protects your eyes and choline that acts as a brain-booster as well, in addition to good cholesterole.

Obviously, egg definitely has a lot going on inside it. What that one shell packs has so much power and potential.

Fortetropin, thankfully, uses innovative, low-temperature technology to harness all that potential.


Fortetropin’s Mechanism of Action

Activation of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) promotes muscle development and repair.

Muscle protein synthesis (MPS) is triggered when mTOR is activated, allowing your body to generate new muscle. Fortetropin has been demonstrated to increase the activity of the mTOR pathway.

When we workout, we essentially tear down our existing muscles in the hopes of them growing back bigger and stronger with correct diet and recovery.

The ubiquitin proteasome pathway is responsible for the degradation of muscle tissue. The ubiquitin pathway has been demonstrated to be downregulated by Fortetropin. Furthermore, Fortetropin reduces serum levels of myostatin, a naturally occurring negative regulator of muscle growth.


How Does Yolked Fortetropin Actually Make You Jacked?

Yolked is primarily being marketed as a next-generation recovery agent, and then as a muscular growth accelerator. Claiming that type of potential is kind of a big thing, so let’s see if it lives up to the hype based on studies!

It Shortens Your Muscle Recovery Time

Fortetropin can improve muscle protein synthesis by lowering the quantity of active myostatin in the body. This prepares the body to rebuild and repair the muscles that were used during exercise.

The effects of Fortetropin on one hundred dogs recovering from cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) surgery were studied by Kansas State University scientists. This procedure usually restricts the amount of time the injured leg is used, resulting in muscular atrophy.

The study’s purpose was to investigate if Fortetropin may help the dog’s leg recover faster, allowing him to return to full strength sooner than expected.

The outcomes of this placebo-controlled, double-blind study were fascinating. When compared to the placebo group, the group that received Fortetropin supplementation observed a substantial increase in the percentage distribution of weight on the afflicted limb.

Furthermore, the test group had no change in thigh circumference, whereas the placebo group lost a lot of muscle. Because myostatin was suppressed, the Fortetropin group was able to return to their normal posture faster and lost almost no muscle during recovery! It’s safe to say that we believe this stuff works.

Clearly, the mechanisms at work here promote muscle repair and, as a result, faster recovery. Building up damaged muscles, on the other hand, leads to something else: growth!

It Boosts Lean Muscle Mass

We’re sure you’ve heard a lot of people say that eating eggs has helped them gain muscle mass. You may or may not have believed them, but science backs them up!

According to a study published in 2017, eating entire eggs after an exercise enhanced muscle protein synthesis by over 30% more than eating egg whites alone!


Studies on Animals

The effects of Yolked Fortetropin on rats were researched by University of Tampa researchers. They were particularly interested in determining the molecular pathways involved.

For eight days, rats were administered either Fortetropin or a placebo. An electronically stimulated lower body unilateral plantar flexion exercise was conducted on rats under anesthesia on the ninth day.

The biochemical markers in muscle synthesis and destruction pathways were tested three hours after the rats had completed these activities.

They discovered that Fortetropin dramatically increased mTOR signaling when compared to placebo. They also demonstrated decreased ubiquitin proteasome signaling. Theoretically, these findings would lead to muscle gain, which was the topic of a separate research by the same group of researchers.


Studies in Humans

Following the positive results of their preliminary testing, they gathered 45 men in their early twenties who trained recreationally, in order to continue research. They were randomly assigned to one of three groups: 6.6g Fortetropin, 19.8g Fortetropin, or a placebo.

After receiving this dosage daily for 12 weeks, each subject completed a conventional periodized 12-week workout program and was subsequently assessed.

What they concluded is that both Fortetropin dosages considerably increased lean muscle mass (1.9kg on average), while the placebo gained just about 0.6kg.

Supplementing with Fortetropin resulted in an additional 1.3kg of muscle gain, which is a significant difference. As a result, the Fortetropin group had significantly larger muscle thickness than the placebo group.



The fact that nearly every study backs up Yolked’s claims says a lot about the effectiveness of this product. Fortetropin keeps mTOR and MPS signals increased by reducing myostatin. That means increased muscular growth and faster recovery, both of which we can never have enough of!


Human Research in 2019

On June 19, 2019, MYOS RENS Technology released the findings of a groundbreaking clinical trial conducted at the University of California, Berkeley, and the University of Arkansas to see if Fortetropin may help adults aged 60 to 75 years old gain muscle faster. The outcome far surpassed anyone’s expectations.

Scientists can discover where heavy water (which contains a type of hydrogen known as deuterium) ends up by using it as a “tracer.” The idea is to assess if it’s being used to generate new muscle, which is particularly relevant in elderly people whose muscle growth has slowed significantly.

In the trial, 10 participants were randomly given cheese powder every day for 21 days, while the other 10 were given Fortetropin.

Because cheese has a similar macronutrient profile to Fortetropin, it was employed as a “comparator” in this study. In addition, all patients were required to drink heavy water every day in order for the researchers to track the rate of uptake into muscle tissue.

The results were astounding: Fortetropin-treated subjects gained muscle at a rate that was 15% faster than cheese powder-treated subjects!


Is Yolked Safe for Professional Athletes Who Get Drug Tested?

There are so many supplements and chemicals that are forbidden in competition these days that knowing what is permitted for drug-tested athletes is crucial.

Every year, the World Anti-Doping Agency provides a list of banned substances for athletes. The National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) is an internationally known independent testing and certification institution that is well-respected by regulatory authorities, universities, and professional sports groups. Yolked is evaluated for purity and potency by NSF and verified to be free of WADA prohibited drugs, so you’re good to go whether you’re a professional or drug-tested athlete.


In a Nutshell 

High-intensity workouts require a serious level of recovery. Training hard every day to achieve your perfect physique can be exhausting, both physically and mentally, especially if you aren’t properly fueling yourself or getting enough sleep. And even if you have the resting part taken care of, adding some extra help could do you wonders.

When you examine all of the nutrients found in eggs, it’s evident that they should be a regular component of your diet. Even if you consume a couple of eggs every day, why not receive more of the nutrients found in eggs that can help you recover?

When you take a look at all of the nutrients found in eggs, it’s evident that they should be a staple in your diet. Even if you enjoy a few whole eggs every day, why not receive more of the nutrients found in eggs and take your physique to the next level?

Yolked Fortetropin is made from fertilized egg yolks using a patented process that turns them into a powder at low temperatures, preserving all the bioactive compounds found in egg yolks, resulting in improved muscle growth and recovery.

It has been certified for sports by the NSF and is fully safe for drug-tested athletes. This incredible cutting-edge supplement is both convenient and effective, and it is so unique that there isn’t anything else like it on the market today. If you want to make the most out of your physique without anabolic steroids or SARMs, Yolked will help you get there!