SARMs are in general falsely believed to be much safer than steroids and other exogenous anabolic muscle building and physique enhancing agents, and while they do not have the scope of impact that steroids do in terms of affecting and altering multiple hormonal processes in the body, SARMs do have some impact on your hormones, especially testosterone as main anabolic agent in a male body.

RAD140 being one of the stronger SARMs out there has a significant impact on your natural testosterone levels and will definitely lower and suppress them during the duration of the cycle. This can lead to low testosterone condition, difficulty returning your natural testosterone levels to normal and ultimately the loss of muscle mass that you made on RAD140 cycle. 

That’s why you do need PCT after RAD140. However, a better approach to using RAD14O safely, minimizing the testosterone suppression is to use HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) while on RAD140 cycle. This way HCG will continuously stimulate LH and FSH, and those two will make your testicles keep the natural testosterone production all throughout the cycle.

If you need help with your SARMs cycle and want to have more knowledge and understanding of how SARMs work, feel free to send me a message.