S4 or Andarine is a quite controversial SARM, since to date no human trials have been conducted, so very little is known from the official medical perspective about this compound.

The studies that have been conducted on rodents have shown S4 to be extremely promising when it comes to maintaining the cortical bone content and increasing bone mineral density. It was revealed that S4 provides unique potential to prevent bone resorption and promote bone anabolism, making it a possible new treatment for osteoporosis. Studies have also shown that S4 was also able to decrease body fat percentage significantly, and increase strength and skeletal muscle mass, which is why fitness community adopted it as a great fat loss and muscle boosting supplement.

S4 Benefits

Andarine offers fitness enthusiast a slight increase in muscle mass, while shredding your body fat, which helps us better define it as a body recomposition SARM.

Where Andarine truly shines is with its ability to prevent muscle loss when you’re in a caloric deficit, while further helping you lose the most stubborn of fat deposits, in order to enhance your physique. With an average 8-week Andarine-only cycle you can expect to gain around 5lbs of muscle and lose 4-5% of body fat.

Your strength gains will also be quite significant with S4, but nowhere near those strength gains that you’d get with Ligandrol and RAD140. As a compound, it is weaker than these two, but stronger than Ostarine.

S4 Potential Side Effects

Andarine like every other SARM (well, except Ostarine) will suppress your natural testosterone production. If you haven’t used any anabolic compounds before and your natural testosterone levels are pretty high, you will have no problem recovering it – your levels will recover completely in the weeks following the Andarine cycle. However if you’re natural testosterone levels are quite off due to regular anabolics administration or improper handling of these and similar compounds that can affect your levels, I would suggest the same approach when it comes to recovering your testosterone levels I suggested with Ligandrol and RAD140. Introduction of HCG from the very beginning of a Andarine cycle, at 500-1000iu per week, is your best and safest option. You’d be able to minimize and perhaps completely avoid any suppression, avoiding the need for PCT, thus preserving your gains even more.

However, one far worse side effect of S4, and most frequently reported by users has to do with one’s vision. Seeing a yellow tint and difficulty adjusting to the night vision. What happens is that the S4 molecule binds to the retina in the eye which causes a yellow tint. This issue occurs even with the smallest of dosages, and as the dosage increases, so does the severity of the visual problem. The issue however completely disappears once you stop taking Andarine.

S4 Dosage & Cycle

50mg a day is the most optimal Andarine dosage, for the duration of 8-12 weeks. Since the half life of Andarine is 8 hours, you will need to split that dosage in either two or three smaller dosage and take them throughout the day.

S4 Legality

As of 2020, Andarine or S4 is absolutely legal everywhere to be purchased and used except Australia where you’re not allowed to use this compound without the doctor’s prescription. However, a lot of Australians use S4 without getting into any kind of legal trouble.

When it comes to competitive sports, S4 together with other SARMs is listed as a banned substance by almost all anti-doping sports bodies. You should definitely not use it if you are a professional athlete.

Remember, however, that S4 is only meant for research purposes and isn’t approved for human consumption.

S4 Where To Buy

There are many online companies out there that claim to sell SARMs, but you can’t for sure really know whether what you’re buying from them is the real thing until you’ve seen it work on you and given you results. The only online company that I personally trust in, have tried and been extremely happy with when it comes to results is Chemyo. You can check their S4 (Andarine) here: CHEMYO

S4 Overview

preserves muscle while in a caloric deficit, and helps with fat loss. First time users and those who haven’t used anabolic steroids previously, can expect up to 5lbs of muscle gain on it. 50mg a day, split into three smaller dosages is considered optimal, for 8-12 weeks. Suppresses your natural testosterone production, but not heavily. It has a pronounced vision-impairment side effect that stops once you finish taking it.